I decided to write about this while I was at work. I had just received some "not so happy" news on one of my breaks. To be honest, the news was not a surprise. We have been living under a curse for more than a decade. It just hurts when you pray and bless something, but it falls through anyway. How can I pray and bless something that has years of curses attached to it? And it always strikes RIGHT before the holidays... It caught me off guard this year because I had so much hope for things to be different.
I had to remind myself that things ARE different and not to lose hope in the eye of this storm. Because He remains in control! We can pray and bless things, but God sees way up ahead.
The Excellence in God's Works
…10I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves. 11He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end."

God gave me a vision for my life regarding my purpose over a year ago and it has been a raging storm ever since!!! Not saying that this is what will happen for you. But for me, He wants me to be ready for my purpose, and He wanted me to see who I really was without Him...a hot mess I tell you. And He recently gave me a vision for my family...doesn't mean we can receive it now. But I have to bite my tongue and choke back my tears as I watch Him move in this redemption process to restore us to who He wants us to be as a family. The storms are actually an encouragement. You know why? It means He's working and He has it under control!!
Encouraging Song: "In The Eye of the Storm" by Ryan Stevenson https://youtu.be/cw3zIA1NJU0
Need help understanding where you are in life and respecting the process God has you in? Send me a message! I'd love to hear from you and help you come to an understanding in your life!