1. Very good post. Sometimes good people, as good as they think they are and as good as others may think they are, make bad decisions and so we have to reap for the decisions and choices we've made. Scripture in 1 Peter 2:20 tells us that (paraphrased) when we are buffeted for our own fault or actions we should take it patiently.

    Sometimes God is telling us to wait and not necessarily saying no but because we "think" we know so much and we "think" we know what's best for us we jump head first into something that we were in no way prepared for. What happens then? Is it God's fault? Not at all! And we must learn to wait on Him and trust solely on Him!

    We overspend unconsciously, we overextend ourselves unconsciously and we oftentimes live way above our means forcing us into far greater circumstances thereby causing unnecessary stress and hardships on ourselves and on our loved ones who suffer for our actions.

    We jump in and out of relationships searching for "the one" creating a pattern of hurt and let downs which affect us mentally and emotionally and even financially.

    We jump into marriages in our quest to do the "right thing" or live right and wind up more lonely, destitute, unprepared and emotionally scarred.

    We form unhealthy eating habits and when sickness and disease comes upon us we question God.

    We are such a lost people and until we realize that we are insufficient of ourselves we will learn to seek the face of God on a regular basis.

    If we learn to wait on God we can spare ourselves so many heartaches and pains as the old hymnal "take it to the Lord in prayer" says. "Oh, what NEEDLESS, pain we bear! All because we do not carry it to the Lord in prayer!"

    God is not a God a far off but is always at hand just waiting on us but He wants us to seek His face and not His hands for what He can bless us with but seek a real relationship with Him. The same way we call friends and loved ones for their opinion is what we should be doing to our Wise, All Knowing Father.

    Once we develop a genuine relationship with Him we will learn to consult with Him and we won't be making so many "bad" decisions or choices that will hinder the work of God from being manifested in our lives and have others question our relationship.

    Yes, sometimes things are well beyond our control such as layoffs, job markets, car situations, etc., but when thing happen beyond our control it is then that we are trust that God is working something in us and for us. As you said, he may be preparing us for greater! When we know that things happen of no fault of our own, we keep trusting and remain faithful and look for the good in the situation for it is just a trying of our faith! When God sees that you've remained faithful in the midst of adversity He will turn the glory on! Hebrews 10 speaks of needing patience and keeping confidence in God.

    Growth is sure to come after we have been tested in the Fire and been proven Faithful and True! Remember, there is good in the test as the scripture says in Romans 8. For we KNOW that ALL things work together for the good to them who are the called according to His purpose. It's up to us to find the good and not look at it as bad!

    Be blessed!


    1. Wooow thanks aunte for your reply! Awesome accommodating passage. Everything you said has been so true in my life and as well as others. Getting ourselves into trouble and suffering for our own actions! But God will make it all worth it due to His grace and mercy. Thanks for viewing! 💕
