Never Satisfied...
"No, I'll NEVER do that! I'm not trying to go THAT far. I just wanna try it and get it over with. I'll only do it once and then stop."
Let's face it. We've all let these words of exaggeration escape our mouths when someone was giving advice or patronizing us about something. Trying to convince ourselves and that person that we would NEVER do this or that or "stoop that low". Wasn't that the biggest lie you've ever told yourself? It was for me. I mean, how did I think I could hold such a promise to someone let alone myself? After all, we're human right? We don't know how far we will go or what we will end up doing. Whether it's smoking for the first time, having sex, or picking a fight with someone just so they could hit you... doesn't matter what the case may be. Either way, the case is that sin won't let you have boundaries. (2 Peter 2:14)
Sin? Tah...What sin? Do we know what it is? Sin is a transgression of law, meaning, it is an immoral act, wrong doing, a misdemeanor. Law you say? Yes, God's written word. As humans, we fight everyday with our flesh and with the Holy Spirit. You're familiar with this... There's a fast food place you'd love to pig out at but you know you shouldn't due to health reasons, or there's this guy whom you think is SUPER attractive and he wants to mess around and you shouldn't. Or what about your best friends who smoke a lot and it just smells so good to you but you know you shouldn't do it? Yea, we fight with our flesh EVERYDAY. What about giving in to it? You told yourself how you'd never have sex with anyone until marriage, you also said that you would never smoke, you would never have a thing for the same sex, or the fact that you get drunk every now and then but you vowed to never get involved with it because you knew it was harmful... Yup. Giving in to sin is like giving in to a spoiled kid. The kid won't leave you alone and will always keep bugging, next thing you know you're paying for another ice cream and a game boy for this kid and you're broke!
Sin doesn't have boundaries. You can't say, "I will never..." Never what? Live again? That's true because sin is a choke hold and you could die in it. Imagine that you went on a cruise, a nice beautiful ocean, sun is gazing, breeze is tingling. You jump in the water and decide to take a swim, although you said you'd never swim in an ocean... all of a sudden, there's this rope around your ankle..huh? How'd that get there? And for some reason it's pulling on your leg. Then it takes you under!! Oookayy, not too far from the surface, BUT NO! It takes you deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper until for sure you are BLACKING OUT AND DEAD.
What am I getting at? SIN IS NEVER SATISFIED folks.(Proverbs 27:20) You can make boundaries for yourself aaaallll day but if you never get saved, you will fall every time. Did you know that even the saved fall? mmhhm. I have many times. What's different this time you ask? I'm pushing forward with the armor of God and so can you. Confess today and swim back to the top towards the light. Supporting Scriptures: Romans 12:3, Proverbs 6:16