You Deserve to Hope...
From my recent conversation with others, I learned something, people can be very judgmental and hopeless. They see someone on the streets begging for change or walking and they instantly assume the worst about them. They say things like, "I wouldn't give that person anything, look what they're wearing. There's no hope for them so why give? Shouldn't they be saving their money?"
We have all assumed things about the homeless who walks the endless streets of the city, but there's one thing we can't assume and that's their story.
Have you ever spoke to a homeless person and listened to their story? Most times they don't want to talk about it, they just want something from you. And you know what? That's okay, if I were hungry and homeless I probably wouldn't want to talk about my story either. I'd just want to be consistent with collecting change so I can eat.
And that's when I noticed this amazing message about them. A message deep within, not just how they smell or look. But really take an honest look at them and their situation...
......let me help you understand what I'm saying. I was riding in the car one day just thinking about the many homeless people I gave money to in San Diego. I realized that they have a strong message, a message about HOPE. Think about it, everyday they get out there on those streets in the hot sun to try to get something from someone. Everyday they wake up to try again. EVERYDAY they do the same thing over and over to make it.
And people have the audacity to say, "Shouldn't they be saving their money?" There's so much wrong with that question, HALF of the population doesn't save and most of the baby boomers don't even have a 401(k) or Life Insurance and you expect the homeless to SAVE???? The only thing a homeless person is worried about is eating THAT DAY. We take for granted all of the things we have, the homes we pay for, the cars, the clothes...keep in mind that the homeless are HOMELESS. Their worries drop from paying rent and car note to what am I going to eat or where am I going to sleep today?
Bottom line is, before you judge them, take a look at yourself. We all have taken things for granted and lost hope. Look at it this way, we deserve to hope. If the homeless can get up everyday and still try to make it, why shouldn't we?
"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?- Matthew 6:25-27
Thanksgiving 2013 my friends and I took the leftover food and handed them out to the homeless in downtown San Diego.