Life's Darkest Moments
One minute life is going great, you're in school, you have a job, you probably have your own car, and you might even have your own place. Everything is great. You have a full ride, your car doesn't even need a lot of fixing, and you can pay your own rent. Yep, life sure looks great on the outside. But what about inside? Inside you feel empty, you have a lot of baggage you haven't even tried understanding, you don't know if you're happy with this life, you wish someone could understand EXACTLY how you feel. Nope, life's not so good on the inside of you is it?
These are problems a lot of people face today. We see the outside spectrum of someone else's life. The fancy car, the huge house, the prestigious college, THE LIFE. However there's another part that we don't see and probably will never see in others and that's where their mind is. Our brain is omniscient. It holds the happiest memories, awesome feelings of joy, beautiful sights; yet, we tend to embrace the lonely nights, the painful memories, the sting of regret from the past life. I learned from a couple of successful people that, "You attract into your life the thoughts you think MOST about." How true is this to you? Life gets so overwhelming that we even think thoughts of suicide. Robin Williams for instance, don't think that just because he's a millionaire/superstar that he didn't have his dark moments. We all battle with our own demons despite the kind of lifestyles we possess.

But is this the end for you? No, because there is a GOD. He is far greater and more powerful than your demons that cause your dark moments to transpire. I want you to take a look at the story of Elijah, a prophet of God. Elijah was afraid for his life because people were trying to kill him. He was the last prophet alive in his city and they wanted him dead.
He went alone into the wilderness, traveling all day. He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die. "I've had enough Lord. Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who are dead." As he was sleeping an angel said to him, "Get up and eat!" And there beside him was bread and water. The angel said again, "Get up and eat some more, or the journey ahead will be too much for you." The food gave him STRENGTH to travel 40 days to Mount Sinai, the mountain of God." - 1 Kings 19:1-9
Maybe you feel like giving up just as Elijah did, but are you listening for the voice of Heaven's Armies to give you strength to fight that battle? There is a God far greater and powerful who can give you patience, guidance, and strength. You don't have to fight this alone! Repent of your sins and ask God for guidance, He will lead you in the best direction and give you perfect peace. (Philippians 4:7) :)
Read the rest of Elijah's story here & download the Bible app! Elijah's Story